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Re: [sup-devel] Update in heliotrope !

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Steven Hum <sdothum@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Matthieu,


> I am able to initialize the heliotrope mailstore directory easy enough
> with
> ruby -Ilib bin/heliotrope-server -d <mailstore>
> (stuff gets created :-) but when I try to import with
> ruby -Ilib bin/heliotrope-import -a <maildir> -d <mailstore>

Did you even read the README ? =]

It clearly says : "To bulk import mail, use heltrope-import. You must
stop your server first."

The thing is, both heliotrope-server and heliotrope-import will try to
access the same resources, which are not designed for
multi-concurrency. So, you have to shut heliotrope-server down before
using heliotrope-import.

> I tried using heliotrope-add with the server running, but it
> hung at the same point (not surpisingly).

This is more problematic, because it should work. Can you share some
of your logs ?

> Secondly, your note "stop all other activity with heliotrope while you
> sync with offlinimap". Does that mean heliotrope-server should not be
> running if offlineimap is (updating the maildirs)?

No, on the contrary, it means that while heliotrope-server is running,
you should either access it with a traditional http client, or with an
IMAP client, but you should never do both the same time.
But you will need heliotrope-server running for accessing IMAP.

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