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Re: [sup-devel] Cannot query Japanese characters

Reformatted excerpts from Horacio Sanson's message of 2011-06-09:
> Great I am downloading my gmail accounts now (again). I can see you
> have improved the imap-dumper.rb to handle uidvalidity and uidnext
> that is also great. In the git log says gmail labels are also copied
> to heliotrope but I don't see them in my index.

I actually added a separate gmail importer that does that stuff,
borrowing from your gmail.rb. Try the -g option.

It's mostly duplicated with imap-dumper.rb so I'm trying to decide how
to best merge them.

> BTW there are two small bugs in the imap-dumper.rb, see attached patch
> for details.

Thank you!
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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